3030 Explorer Drive, Sacramento, CA 95827​​
(916) 234-6773
undergraduate volunteers
application status: OPEN
current cycle: Winter 2025
The UC Davis undergraduate volunteers of Bayanihan make up the core of the student-run clinic. The Bayanihan Clinic Board Coordinators are undergraduate students who manage and advance the direction of the clinic. During clinic days, undergraduate clinic interns manage the clinic flow while assisting medical students and preceptors with patients. They perform a variety of roles from performing as receptionists, medical assistants, patient advocates, moderators of electronic medical records, etc. During the school year, undergraduate clinic interns also meet every week to discuss clinic duties and plan future events.
For all undergraduate volunteer inquiries, please contact undergraduate@bayanihanclinic.com
if chosen to be a summer volunteer in winter 2025:
You will be trained during the Spring Quarter of 2025 and must attend all volunteer training sessions.
You must attend our General Meetings (Mondays from 6:10 to 7:00 pm.) You will receive 1 unit.
You will be a summer volunteer for the Summer of 2025.
As a summer volunteer, you have all the responsibilities of a clinic intern, but will be evaluated in the Fall Quarter for a final interview.
After your final interview, you will be notified whether you have passed your summer volunteer period to become a clinic intern beginning Fall Quarter 2025.
You must fullfill a 3 quarter requirement to be an official Bayanihan Clinic Intern.